Henkersteg, Pegnitz River

Henkersteg, Pegnitz River, Nürnberg
“Henkersteg, Pegnitz River” — A covered bridge spans the Pegnitz River, Nürnberg, Germany

Walking around in Nürnberg on a day that began with slowly dissipating fog, I saw this scene as we crossed a bridge over the Pegnitz River. There is still a bit of the fog in the sky above the buildings, an old covered bridge crosses the water, and the buildings, bridge, and a few trees are reflected in the smooth surface of the river.

Often when photographing in a location like this I sometimes cannot determine the name of the subject or I photograph quickly and move on without checking. That was the case here, and it was only later that I used maps to locate the bridge and found out that it is called the “Henkersteg.” I understand that this roughy translates to “hangman’s bridge.” Additional reading suggests that it got the name because long ago the town hangman lived in a tower near one end of the bridge.

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” (Heyday Books) is available directly from him.

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