Cypress Forest and Trail with Steps

Cypress Forest and Trail with Steps
Cypress Forest and Trai l with Steps. Point Lobos State Reserve, California. August 24, 2008. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Stairway on a trail through Monterey cypress forest at Point Lobos State Reserve, California.

I went to the Monterey Peninsula on Sunday with a vague plan to possibly shoot at Point Lobos, but to first see what I could find in Carmel Valley. I left a bit late because there was a thick bank of morning fog extending far inland, so I knew that the coast would be socked in. Arriving in Carmel Valley I headed up there to see what I could see – but soon noticed that the fog here was actually clearing out a short distance from the coast. Wanting to photograph the good light on the border between fog and sun as the fog cleared and thinking that this might occur earlier than I had expected, I headed to Point Lobos and started scouting locations in the cypress forest in the section of the park closest to Carmel. The good light looked like it was going to arrive – the fog began to thin and a few blue spots began to appear… but then the process reversed and I only saw a few moments of the light I hoped for. In any case, I did do a few shots in this area, including this one along a section of trail with a stone stairway that has long intrigued me.

keywords: cypress, tree, forest, trunk, branch, plants, trail, steps, path, ocean, bay, monterey, carmel, peninsula, point lobos, state, reserve, california, usa, landscape, seascape, travel, scenic, hike, rock, stock

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7 thoughts on “Cypress Forest and Trail with Steps”

  1. I have only been to Pt. Lobos one time, back in my Ansel Adams period. Was lugging 4×5 and all the associated gear, and that took a lot of the fun out of it.

    I’d like to go back.

  2. Michael, I know what you mean! There is something about this spot that draws me back to it almost every time I go to Point Lobos. The hand-crafted stonework of the stairway is part of it, but so is the location of that one small cypress at the top of the steps. The light tends to be interesting here as well because the spot is more or less open to the north and, as in this shot, fog can diffuse what light there is.


  3. Really like this photograph, Dan. It has some kind of other-worldly feel for me, like a Hobbit is going to jump out from behind that tree.

  4. no problem. I’ve added your RSS so i’ll have to stop by more often.

    As far as Leon, I’m amazed at how many different waterfalls he manages to capture in a year. Aside to that, despite all the HDR banter on, there’s one guy that 9 times out of 10 get’s it right.

  5. Jonny:

    Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. I think this photograph is one of those that will work better in a largish print than in jpg form – and I still have a bit of work to do on the rocky prominence in the distance.

    I also enjoy Leon’s work, especially the waterfalls. He does get around!


  6. Great stuff G.D. A very striking composition that really works… There is a ton of interest, and a whole lot of depth here. I’d say i’ve become a bit of a fan of your work recently. It is all very well thought out and very high quality.

    Noticed your comment on Leon’s page… Small world :) I’ve seen you around a lot on… however I go by a different moniker there.

    Take care!


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