Category Archives: Commentary

Many thanks…

… to the site visitor who just took the time to let me know that he enjoys the site but also that my email link in the sidebar wasn’t working correctly. Yikes! I have fixed the link and I hope that those trying to contact me will find it a bit easier now.

New Post at California Nature Photography Blog

I just authored a new post at the jointly-authored California Nature Photography blog (“Dogwoods in the Valley”), in which I share five of my dogwood bloom photographs from my early May trip to Yosemite Valley along with some discussion of the photographs.

Best time to visit Death Valley AND Yosemite?

I just saw and replied to a forum post asking about the best time to try to visit Death Valley, the eastern Sierra, Tioga Pass/Tuolumne Meadows and Yosemite Valley in one trip that starts in Las Vegas and ends in Sacramento. I’m reposting my reply here since I’ve heard others ask similar questions elsewhere. Note that despite the lengthy post, this doesn’t by any means completely answer this question. So, with minor edits, here is what I posted:

When to do a trip that includes Death Valley and Yosemite Valley and everything in between? This is a very tough question.

The “best” time to visit Death Valley is generally thought to be in the November to early April time frame – but that coincides with closure of the Tioga Pass entrance into  Yosemite National Park, typically lasting from possibly (but not always) late October or mid-November until (usually) sometime in May.

So, I think it becomes a question of which end of the trip you want to compromise. Do you want to deal with Death Valley during the very hottest time or do you want to deal with the potential for a very long drive around the southern part of the Sierra (and missing the “east side”) in order to get to The Valley after the pass closes?

I travel and photograph throughout this area a lot, so let me offer some ideas. Continue reading Best time to visit Death Valley AND Yosemite?

How to photograph… baseball?

OK, I know that seems like a very odd post title for this blog! (Though I do photograph certain sports from time to time and I always carry my camera when I go to Giants games – come to think of it, sometimes the photography is more interesting than the game. But I digress…)

I mention all of this because I just read through a very informative post at the Digital Photography School blog. The post (“How to Photography Baseball”) by Darren Rouse contains almost more information than I can absorb – well worth bookmarking if you think you’ll be doing this sort of thing.