Strolling on Madison Avenue. © Copyright 2022 G Dan Mitchell.
Pedestrians stroll past street vendor stalls on Madison Avenue, Manhattan.
We did quite a bit of walking on our August Manhattan visit. We have a (perverse, according to New Yorkers) habit of visiting during August, something that dates back to the days of summer vacation from my teaching work. But August isn’t exactly the most pleasant time to be in New York City… unless you are a fan of hot weather and ridiculous humidity levels. As a Californian, where we deal with the temperatures but emphatically not the humidity, I’m not one of those fans. Fortunately for us, on this visit the weather was actually quite pleasant.
Our walk on this day took us down into midtown, where we first stopped for an outdoor breakfast along one of the thoroughfares. (Here I discovered something new to me: “All you can drink morning cocktails” — you pay a higher fee and get bottomless cocktails for 90 minutes. Uh, no. Just no. We did not do that!) We resumed out walk, looped over and past the UN Plaza and then heading back toward the center of town, eventually heading back uptown on Madison, which appeared to have been closed for some sort of street market or fair.
G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.
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