Alcatraz and Yerba Buena Islands, San Francisco Bay, Foggy Morning Light

Alcatraz and Yerba Buena Islands, San Francisco Bay, Foggy Morning Light
Alcatraz and Yerba Buena Islands, San Francisco Bay, Foggy Morning Light

Alcatraz and Yerba Buena Islands, San Francisco Bay, Foggy Morning Light. San Francisco, California. March 21, 2009 © Copyright 2009 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

San Francisco Bay morning fog over begins to break up over Alcatraz and Yerba Buena Islands and the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge.

I made this photograph back around the start of spring in 2009. I recall shooting from the Marin Headlands back toward the Bay as the fog began to break up, still obscuring the view but allowing beams of light to begin to come through the gloom and light up portions of the Bay. Alcatraz Island is at upper left and beyond that is the Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island complex.

Many things intrigued me about this scene. Although it is in shadow still, Alcatraz stands out as the clearest object in the scene. The patterns on the water were amazing, created by a combination of the normal surface waves, the wakes of ships that had passed, and the mottled and mixed lighting of areas of fog and sun. Beyond the main subjects and over the East Bay shoreline around Oakland, light beams come down from the clearing fog.

This photograph is also an example of why I save and later review all of my raw files. Either because I don’t understand the image when I first make it or perhaps I move on to the next project too quickly sometimes it is not unusual when a photograph “slips through the cracks” and I end up overlooking it. This was one of those photographs… which I now find hard to understand.

G Dan Mitchell Photography
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