Evening Sand

Evening Sand
Warm evening light on sand dunes, Death Valley National Park.

Evening Sand. © Copyright 2022 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Warm evening light on sand dunes, Death Valley National Park.

I photographed this scene on my first visit to this location. Going to a new location for the first time can be a complex experience. There is, of course, the excitement of photographing something new. But there are other feelings, too — uncertainty about where to start, a bit of confusion and guesswork about how the light will evolve and about where to find the most interesting subjects. While sometimes the new simply seems exciting, other times it is almost overwhelming. For the most part I think I’ve learned to go with the flow, knowing that I’m going to make some wrong choices, that I’m acquiring knowledge that I can use when I come back, and that most likely I will at least come away with something interesting.

Approaching this spot, at first I wasn’t quite sure where to begin. I had an idea of how the light might evolve as the day ended, but when I arrived the light was less than spectacular. Another thing I have learned is that it is often better to just start making photographs rather than waiting for the perfect to reveal itself. Setting up, looking, and making exposures often primes the pump, and soon I start to see things more clearly. It is also good to be flexible and ready to be surprised. This photograph is built around one of those surprises. At first these patterns of windblown sand seemed uninteresting and I went on to photograph something else. But in the very last direct sun (you can see the edge of approaching shadows at lower left) the low light revealed shadows and textures that had been hidden earlier, and the color of the light became momentarily intense.

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.

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