Stones and Pebbles

Stones and Pebbles
“Stones and Pebbles” — Colorful stones and pebbles washed up against coastal formations, Point Lobos.

The rocks in the center of this photograph are large enough that it is hard to believe that they were washed into this position by heavy winter surf along this section of the Pacific coastline. But that’s the fact of the matter. That surf erodes the underlying rocks, moves large rocks and even boulders around like toys, and deposits layers of multi-colored pebbles like those caught between these rocks and the underlying stratified formations.

Photographing at this cove at Point Lobos is always an invitation to slow down and just look. There are potential subjects everywhere, many of them rather small, but they are easily overlooked if you don’t adopt a very contemplative and quiet perspective. And because the area is right at the surf line and often overrun by high waves, I find something new and interesting every time I visit.

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.

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