Autumn Color, East of the Sierra

Autumn Color, East of the Sierra
Fall color spreads across hillsides in mountains east of the Sierra Nevada.

Autumn Color, East of the Sierra. © Copyright 2023 G Dan Mitchell.

Fall color spreads across hillsides in mountains east of the Sierra Nevada.

After photographing autumn color in the Eastern Sierra for a few decades, I still return every year and remain fascinated by the subject. After all of this time I “discover” new subjects and new ways to see old ones every time. But eventually I figured out there’s more to fall color than just the familiar locations, and I branched out in various ways. Now I occasionally head east from the Sierra, toward basin and range country. I’m not certain whether this location qualifies geologically as basin and range, but it most assuredly is not the Sierra.

Over the past few years I’ve explored this area, going beyond even the parts of it that are somewhat known to photographers — heading out on some narrow little dirt tracks just to see where they go. This fall I ended up on a narrow road that descended toward a canyon, and across the valley was one of the more extensive blankets of autumn color that I’ve seen in California. The trees are not large, but they stretch on for great distances.

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.

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