Category Archives: Commentary

Backpacking Photography Equipment – My Approach

Since the summer backpacking season is upon us – though it will be at least a few more weeks before I’m out and about in the back-country – it seems like a good time to post a pointer to a post I wrote earlier (and update every year) about my backpacking photography equipment.

I have backpacked in the Sierra Nevada – and occasionally elsewhere – for more than four decades, believe it or not. My total time on the trail can be measured in years if you add it all up. Over the years I’ve gone through a diverse range of approaches to integrating my photography with my time on the trail: early on I used to carry film SLRs, I gradually moved to smaller and lighter and less capable cameras, for a while I decided to not let photography interfere with the backpacking experience at all, and these days the photography has again become a primary reason for the backpacking.

I’ve evolved an approach to doing serious photography on the trail that works really well for me. It has to do partly with the selection of equipment that I’ve come to use, but it also has to do with my philosophy about what, when, where, and how to shoot. If you are serious about doing photography on the trail, I hope that the article has something to offer to you, whether your approach turns out to be similar to or quite different than mine.

New facebook username-based URL

I just saw that one can now have a custom facebook URL… and I grabbed mine. At facebook I am now found at:

Even if you can’t imagine why you would want such a thing right now, just do it. There is nothing to lose and potentially something to gain. These short and logical URLs are much easier to remember (or even guess!) than the odd ones formerly used at Facebook. If history is a guide, the good ones will go fast!

A ‘revealing’ thought about photographic goals

While reading this morning I came across a bit of writing by a photographer who prefers not to engage in any post-shutter-click “manipulation” of the photograph because his goal is to “record” what is there.

Thinking about this a bit I realize that “recording” is not very interesting to me. Instead I prefer to try to reveal what is there.

Another Epic Sierra Round Trip

The time was ripe this weekend for a visit to Yosemite Valley and perhaps other places, so a two-day photo trip was in order. As is sometimes the case when I do these short up-and-back runs, some things happened according to plan and others, uh, evolved.

I left the SF Bay Area at 3:30 a.m. on Saturday morning. The plan was to head to the Valley early and then possibly get on the wait list for a camp spot with the rest of the plan being to shoot spring subjects there for a couple days. Continue reading Another Epic Sierra Round Trip