Tag Archives: morning

Flowers at Dawn, Death Valley Dunes

Flowers at Dawn, Death Valley Dunes

Flowers at Dawn, Death Valley Dunes. Death Valley National Park, California. April 4, 2008. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Wildflowers in dawn light at the Death Valley Dunes with the Funeral Mountains in the distance. Photographed more or less behind the main dunes near Stovepipe Wells.

I had hiked out “behind” the dunes before sunrise, starting a bit closer to Stovepipe Wells than many may. This affords an easier route the the part of the higher part of the dunes, crossing a more level route rather than slogging across the waves of sand. The sun rose just as I came around behind the dunes.

keywords: flowers, wildflowers, yellow, blossoms, sand, dunes, death valley, national park, california, usa, nature, landscape, travel, scenic, morning, dawn, light, plants, funeral, mountains, stock

Rhyolite School

Rhyolite School

Rhyolite School. Rhyolite, Nevada. April 2, 2004. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Wide angle photograph of the ruins of the Rhyolite School exterior at dawn. While the strong walls of this building are still standing, the roof and interior fittings are all gone.

keywords: rhyolite, school, building, doors, windows, walls, grafitti, blue, sky, clouds, perspective, concrete, ruins, abandoned, ghost, town, mining, mines, nevada, usa, travel, scenic, structures, death valley, national park, sunrise, morning, dawn, stock

Rhyolite School and Bank Ruins

Rhyolite Bank and School Ruins
Rhyolite Bank and School Ruins. Rhyolite, Nevada. April 2, 2008. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Ruins of the school and bank at sunrise in the ghost town of Rhyolite, Nevada. Rhyolite is a mining ghost town just east of the California/Nevada border between Death Valley National Park and Beatty, Nevada.

When we arrived at Rhyolite just before dawn, it looked like the light was perhaps not going to cooperate. While parts of the sky were quite blue, there was a layer of clouds to the east where the sun was rising. At times the light turned out to be flat and gray, but every so often it would come through the clouds and wash the scene in this wonderful warm light.

keywords: ruins, school, bank, building, ghost, town, rhyolite, nevada, usa, desert, mine, mining, desert, sky, death valley, national park, mountains, wall, rocks, sunrise, morning, stock, historic, landscape, travel, stock

Stovepipe Dunes and Funeral Mountains

Stovepipe Dunes and Funeral Mountains

Stovepipe Dunes and Funeral Mountains. Death Valley National Park, California. April 4, 2008. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Morning on the Stovepipe Dunes with the Funeral Range in the distance. Death Valley National Park.

This is probably a more “typical” Death Valley Dunes (a.k.a. “Stovepipe Dunes”) photograph, though I got here by a slightly different route than others might follow. The dunes are easily visible from the roadway east of Stovepipe Wells. Many people drive to a spot next to the dunes and start walking straight towards the highest point. Having “been there, done that” before, I now know that this is a long slog through deep sand – so this time I started my walk much closer to Stovepipe Wells and went around the west end of the dunes to get to the back side of the formation. I entered the dunes from the north to get this shot, and I have to say that access was a lot easier this way.

keywords: morning, stovepipe, dunes, wells, funeral, mountains, ridge, sand, desert, peak, ridge, plants, flowers, ripples, shadows, california, usa, scenic, landscape, nature, stock, flowers, roots