One of These Geese is Not Like The Others

One of These Geese is Not Like The Others
A flock of airborne Aleutian cackling geese accompanied by a solitary interloper.

One of These Geese is Not Like The Others. © Copyright 2021 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

A flock of airborne Aleutian cackling geese accompanied by a solitary interloper.

This post may (or may not…) be more about the birds than about the photography, but I’ll leave the final judgment to readers. Later in the migratory bird season (e.g. “winter”) in California the birds seem to become more active, and I see more of them in large, mixed groups. I’ve mentioned before that I once imagined that all the winter migrators were “geese,” only to eventually learn about others. Eventually it dawned on me that not all geese are just geese and that they come it a great variety. (Photographing with someone who know a lot about these critters helped me begin to learn these things.)

This is a flock of Aleutian cackling geese, a type that I identify by looking for their dark coloration, lack of a particular banding pattern on their chests (more on this in a moment), and the white areas under their “chins” and at the base of their black necks. There is a fascinating story about the recovery of this type of goose, whose total population was once down to a few hundred individuals but which now numbers in six figures. But look more closely and you may be able to spot one interloper here, a goose of a different sort. (Hint: one white-fronted goose has joined this aerial party.)

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.

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2 thoughts on “One of These Geese is Not Like The Others”

  1. This is a very nice one Dan, and it reminds me something the freedom we lost in recent times. Looking forward for this lockdown to finish and we can go back to our lives.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Manuel. Yes, few things suggest that freedom more than a flock of migratory geese, free to travel thousands of miles between the arctic and here in California!

      I’m looking forward to more freedom to travel again, and I’m increasingly optimistic about this future.

      Take care,


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