The last bit of this day’s walk on the Great Glen Way was full of surprises. One of them was that as we approached the town of Invermoristen it seemed that we were only a very short distance from our destination, but then the path took a long sideways detour to finally cross the river. such a detour is not what you want at the end of a long day of hiking! On the other hand, this detour took is right past this historic Telford Bridge, where we paused for a moment before continuing toward our destination in town.
The first version of the bridge was completed approximately two centuries ago. (It was replaced by a more “modern” structure in the early 20th century.) It was devised by the great Scottish engineer, Thomas Telford, who is also responsible for all sorts of projects in Scotland, including the Caledonia Canal connecting Fort William and Inverness. We take structures like bridges for granted today, but when this was constructed it improved transportation and trade in the area. (Imagine trying to get across the river without the bridge!)
G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.
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