Tag Archives: los angeles

The Bleacher Seats, AT&T Park

The Bleacher Seats, AT&T Park

The Bleacher Seats, AT&T Park. San Francisco, California. June 15, 2009. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

The view from the bleacher seats at AT&T Park during a Giants v. Angels game, San Francisco, California.

I shot this during my mid-game photographic wandering – something I do at every Giants game I attend. (On this night, the photography was better than the baseball. While I was out wandering about the score went from 1-0 to 8-1, and in favor of the visiting Angels.) This photograph looks out toward the field from the inexpensive bleacher seating near center field. I like black and white for this photo since it gives in a bit of the old time baseball feel.

This photograph is not in the public domain. It may not be used on websites, blogs, or in any other media without explicit advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

keywords: san francisco, california, evening, att, park, giants, game, downtown, usa, sf, la, los angeles, angels, anaheim, black and white, bleacher, seats, section, center, left, cheap, field, people, crowd, stadium, baseball, ball, players, travel, urban, sports, event, professional, stock

Printing is on my Mind

There are so many more opportunities to see so much more photography today, given the astonishing number new electronic ways to share photographs and to find the photographs of others. Through blogs, Flickr, the many photo web sites and discussion forums, photographer’s web sites, email, you name it, we all experience a flood of visual media. While not all of it is great stuff, quite a lot of it is interesting and the sheer variety is astonishing. I don’t know how much time you spend intentionally looking at photographs, but I suspect that I may look at over 100 per day. (I’m not counting the images that we are exposed to by don’t actually give attention to – add those to the mix and the total would be much, much higher.)

But one thing has perhaps been lost in all of this, and that is the appreciation for the printed photograph. Continue reading Printing is on my Mind

Cancer Doc Heals Through Photography

I just saw a link to this story about Radiation Oncologist Dr. Bernard Lewinsky and his photography on a Southern California “ABC 7” television news program. The link goes to a short text story and a video about Dr. Lewinsky.

As soon as I saw the text link in my browser I knew that he must be the same fellow photographer I shared a bit of time with last Autumn while photographing fall colors at North Lake in the eastern Sierra. When I’m photographing and I see another photographer at work, I try to guess whether the fellow photographer will welcome the conversation or be distracted from his work. He seemed to be finishing up – and he was in a spot where I wanted to photograph… ;-) – so I wandered over and said, “hi.”

While we spoke a bit about equipment – it seems to be the universal icebreaker for photographers – the conversation soon to shifted to other things, including the beauty of the location and his work as a radiation oncologist. He told me how he works with “very sick people” and that he uses his photography to create a more peaceful and calm environment for them.

I’ve spoken with many photographers in the field, but my meeting and conversation with Dr. Lewinsky has stuck with me.

Unfortunately, I cannot find a web link to his photography, but the story says he has compiled a book of his photographs – which look quite impressive from what I can see on the video – and copies are available for sale with the proceeds to go to the American Cancer Society. For more information Dr. Lewinsky’s office can be reached at (818) 884-1683.

(The linked photo is mine, and was taken as Dr. Lewinski and I talked.)

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” (Heyday Books) is available directly from him.

G Dan Mitchell: Blog | Bluesky | Mastodon | Substack Notes | Flickr | Email

All media © Copyright G Dan Mitchell and others as indicated. Any use requires advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

Stairs, UCLA

Stairs, UCLA
Stairs After Rain. University of California, Los Angeles. January 29, 2007. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

A group of receding stairways after rain. University of California, Los Angeles.

keywords: stairs, steps, building, structure, fence, railing, handrail, brown, tan, repeating, pattern, ucla, university of, california, los angeles, usa, stairway, stock