Trees and Boulder, Sunset

Trees and Boulder, Sunset
Trees and Boulder, Sunset

Trees and Boulder, Sunset. Yosemite National Park, California. July 27, 2011. © Copyright 2011 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

A large boulder against the base of lodgepole pines at sunset in Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park.

After finishing up an earlier evening shoot in a place that might be described as a mosquito-infested hell, but a very beautiful one, I left that location with as much haste as I could muster. Having done so, I found myself with a bit of extra time just as the final light of the day approached. Since I wasn’t too far away, I headed towards Tuolumne Meadows, figuring that I might just catch the last light that slants across the length of the meadow right below sunset.

When I arrived there I had very little time to carefully consider where and what I might shoot since the light was within minutes of disappearing for the day. So as I drove along the road through past the meadow, I kept my eyes open for any trees or boulders that might be catching this final light. As luck would have it, as I passed the RV holding tank dumping station – pretty rustic, no? – I saw this combination of lodgepole pine and boulders against the background of the sunlit trees across the meadow on the other side of the river and the ascending slopes beyond. I quickly pulled over, got out the tripod and camera, and made a few exposures here as the last light left the tree.

G Dan Mitchell Photography
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