Sandstone Towers, Moon Rising Through Clouds

Sandstone Towers, Moon Rising Through Clouds - The full moon rises in a cloudy sky above sandstone towers, Arches National Park, Utah.
The full moon rises in a cloudy sky above sandstone towers, Arches National Park, Utah.

Sandstone Towers, Moon Rising Through Clouds. Arches National Park, Utah. April 5, 2012. © Copyright 2012 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

The full moon rises in a cloudy sky above sandstone towers, Arches National Park, Utah.

These rocks are near but not exactly part of the windows area at Arches National Park, where we ended up at the end of our first day there. We had arrived in Moab in the afternoon and then driven up into the park very late in the day – more or less gasping in amazement at the geology we were seeing for the first time – and finally ended up in this area just before sunset.

I’m repeating a story I wrote about earlier, so I’ll make the first part short. There was beautiful light leading up to sunset, and there were some interesting clouds in the sky to the north. However, it was extremely windy, making longer exposures as the light faded a real challenge and also making lens changes unwise. After sunset I ended up in the shelter of some rock towers where I found some protection from the wind. I knew that this was going to be a full moon night, but I was a bit concerned that by the time it was high enough that the ambient light would be somewhat dark, making it very difficult to photograph the twilight surroundings and the very bright moon in a single exposure. But as the moon rose and I found a location from which I could position it and the rocks together, high thin clouds partially obscured the moon and allowed my longer exposures for the dim foreground to work. I might have used a longer lens, but the thought of changing lenses in the blowing wind convinced me to just go ahead and shoot with the lens I already had on the camera – and in the end I think that let me produce a more natural view of the moon than I might have achieved with a longer telephoto.

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer whose subjects include the Pacific coast, redwood forests, central California oak/grasslands, the Sierra Nevada, California deserts, urban landscapes, night photography, and more.
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