Category Archives: Commentary

Thinking of Photographing Yosemite’s Horsetail Fall?

Horsetail Fall. Yosemite National Park, California. February 16, 2008. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell - all rights reserved.

Horsetail Fall. Yosemite National Park, California. February 16, 2008. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

During the second half of the winter season the setting sun lines up just right to cast a final beam of light onto a southwest-facing portion of El Capitan. When conditions are just right the snow-filled area above El Capitan warms a bit at about this time and seasonal Horsetail Fall may drop over the edge of El Capitan. If everything falls in place just so, the beam of warm sunset light strikes the upper portion of the fall, and if  you happen to be in the right areas in the Valley you can witness what has been called the “Yosemite’s natural firefall.”

If you are thinking of going to witness this event, whether as a photographer or just as a viewer, you might want to follow Edie Howe’s Little Red Tent blog. Edie lives in the Valley, and is known for posting firsthand reports on conditions that may – or may not – produce this seasonal spectacle. (If you want to see the light on Horsetail Fall, you should be aware that conditions have to be just right – and your chances improve if you have some travel flexibility and can be there for more than one day.)

Any post on this phenomenon should acknowledge Galen’s Rowell’s famous photograph of Horsetail Fall, and the fact that any later photograph of this scene will unavoidably be compared to his image.

Resisting Temptation: Canon 5D2

I shoot with a Canon 5D. It is a really fine camera for my purposes, and after a couple of years of fairly substantial usage it is still working quite well.

Canon recently introduced the 5D2, which appears to be a very fine upgrade to the 5D line in pretty much every important way that we could expect in a camera sold at this price point: 21 MP sensor, a high quality video mode, dust reduction features, bigger and better monitor, and so on.

I’ll almost certainly get one… in due time. I resolved to not be an early adopter of the new camera, for several reasons. Early adopters typically pay list price of more for their cameras. To the extent that some glitches are not always discovered in pre-release testing, it is not uncommon for the first production run to have a few “issues.” And, most important, my current camera works really, really well. The 5D2 could, indeed, be “better” in some ways, but not so much better that I must rush out and replace it immediately.

But now that the 5D2 seems to be reaching the retailers in larger numbers, I’m starting to see interesting deals. For example I saw a couple for $2700 that included immediate availability and free shipping. I saw another legitimate price that was even lower. There have been a couple of deals on the 5D2 bundled with the EF 24-105mm f/4 L. (Those won’t appeal to me since I already own that lens.)

Note to self: Be strong, Dan. :-)

If  you are ready to buy your 5D2, you can purchase this product from B&H Photo via this link and help support this web site – thanks!

‘Best of 2008’ Page Updated

A few weeks ago I posted my favorite photographs of 2008 at this web site. Largely as a result of Jim M Goldstein’s list of similar pages from more than 90 photographers, I’ve been getting quite a few visits to that page. Today I decided to go back to the page and add commentary on each of the photographs. I hope you find the comments interesting and useful – and let me know if you have any questions or comments concerning the photographs.

Recent, Current, and Upcoming

If you follow this blog you know that the majority of the photographs posted here (though certainly not all of them) tend to gravitate in the direction of landscapes, mostly natural but also urban. You may also have noticed that during the past month or so I’ve focused on urban images that are somewhat atypical. There are perhaps another half dozen or so of these in the pipeline… but starting tomorrow I’ll take a bit of a break from posting the urban photography and start with a series of about a half dozen photographs from Panther Beach north of Santa Cruz, California.