Old Trees. © Copyright 2022 G Dan Mitchell.
A group of very old and weathered trees, Yosemite National Park.
For as long as I’ve gone to the Sierra I have marveled at trees eking out an existence on little more than whatever collects in narrow cracks in granite. These slow-growing trees are often seem stunted and twisted, and sometimes they seem more dead than alive. But portions of the trees carry on, slowly putting out new growth. The texture and coloration of the wood of these trees seems almost to have more in common with the granite than with other trees.
We were surprised by rain on our recent visit to the Yosemite high country. The clouds softened the light, revealing details that might otherwise be lost in harsh shadows. This vignette includes much of what I see in such trees. There is a central section with strong growth, but to the right is one of those gray trunks that is almost granitic, to the point that lichen grows on it.
G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.
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