Tag Archives: irony

Quotations and Photographs (Morning Musings 9/21/14)

Self-portrait with Friedlander Poster - SFMoMA
Self-portrait with Friedlander Poster – SFMoMA

With partially ironic intent, I’m going to begin this Morning Musings post with two quotations. I snagged from the web by doing a quick search on “quotations about quotations” and, in line with common web practice, I simply present them for what they appear to be — I have not checked to validate the sources. Hey, it’s the internet! ;-)

“In the garden of literature, the highest and the most charismatic flowers are always the quotations.”
― Mehmet Murat ildan

“He wrapped himself in quotations – as a beggar would enfold himself in the purple of Emperors.”
― Rudyard KiplingMany Inventions

I’ve thought about this quite a bit, largely in the context of the (increasingly?) common practice of attaching quotations to photographs. I think that there are things about this practice that seem useful and beneficial, but there are also some aspects that seem a bit problematic, at least to me, and I’d like to briefly explore this in an entirely incomplete way.

I can call up a few relevant quotations pretty quickly when necessary. Some of you may have seen me post a favorite John Muir quote as a way of acknowledging that I’m heading of into the mountains: The mountains are calling and I must go.  Continue reading Quotations and Photographs (Morning Musings 9/21/14)

Yosemite Valley Tunnel View #2

Yosemite Valley Tunnel View #2
Yosemite Valley Tunnel View . Yosemite National Park, California. April 2, 2008. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Black and white photograph of the narrow space between two buses, several people waiting by the buses, and a group getting its self-portrait at the Yosemite Valley View parking lot.

Beyond… Yosemite Valley, Bridalveil Fall, Sentinel Dome, Half Dome…

keywords: California, National Park, Sierra Nevada, Spring, Yosemite, valley, view, parking, lot, bus, door, windows, shadow, people, woman, wawona, tunnel, bridalveil, fall, three brothers, sentinel, half, dome, tourists, travel, irony, wheel, stock

Yosemite Valley Tunnel View

Yosemite Valley Tunnel View
Yosemite Valley Tunnel View. Yosemite National Park, California. April 27, 2008. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

View of Yosemite Valley with tourist bus and tourists lining up for their self-portrait at the Wawona Tunnel Valley View parking lot.

Yes, irony intended.

keywords: California, National Park, Sierra Nevada, Spring, Yosemite, valley, view, tunnel, wawona, parking, lot, bus, tourist, irony, black and white, usa, travel, stock, asphalt, people, door, bridalveil fall, three brothers, creek, forest, mountains, sierra, nevada