Headlands, Clearing Fog

Headlands, Clearing Fog
“Headlands, Clearing Fog” — Headlands drop precipitously into the Pacific Ocean as fog thins in the distance along rugged the Big Sur Coast.

Although I have visited and photographed the Big Sur Coast for decades, I find new subjects or new ways to see old subjects every time I go. However, I have a confession to make about this particular subject. I go back to it on almost every visit and continue to photograph it despite there being quite a few previous versions in my archives. I think I do this partly because the conditions change (here it is almost backlit and the distant fog is layered), and partly just because I find this feature so intriguing. On a coastline full of steep precipices dropping into the sea, this one stands out.

I was down there again in mid-August. As is often the case, I decide to go based on the weather forecast. This time it called for somewhat persistent fog along the coast, and I was expecting to be able to work with that murky subject. Imagine my surprise, after driving through truly dense fog near the Salinas Valley, when I arrived at the coast to find it virtually clear!

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.

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