Stairs, Person Walking

Stairs, Person Walking
Stairs, Person Walking

Stairs, Person Walking. San Francisco, California. July 15, 2011. © Copyright 2011 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

A person walks past the bottom of a stairway along Stockton Street, San Francisco.

On this mid-July morning I was walking through sections of downtown San Francisco, on my way from Market Street up through parts of Chinatown and heading toward North Beach. It was early enough that the bulk of the tourist crowd was still sleeping in or having breakfast, though people were out and about. My plan was to walk up the first block of the main tourist section of Chinatown to grab some storefront photographs, and then to head a bit west to Stockton Street or thereabouts, where things are oriented (much) less towards the tourist trade.

There is a place where there are essentially two layers of streets. Busy Stockton ducks into a tunnel and the street that is right above it ends on a short spur that is mostly parking. I walked to the middle of the sidewalk at the end of this little street, from which I could photograph straight up Stockton. Finishing that I looked for the stairs down to Stockton and happened to pick the one to my left. As I entered the stair well I looked for photographs since I like the angles and the lighting in some of these areas. One landing up I could look down to where the sidewalk coming up through the tunnel met up with the stairs and then emerged into the light beyond. I made an exposure or two of this “urban landscape,” and then as a person walked across the scene I had a moment to channel my “inner HCB” and photograph her blurred form.

Speaking of channeling HCB, there is also a BW version of this image that probably has more of the classic “street” look. At the moment, thinking that I’m in danger of trying to look old school if I go the other way and also enjoying the brown and tan and similar tones in the color version, I’m going with this one.

G Dan Mitchell Photography
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