Hernshead, Autumn

Hernshead, Autumn
A person sits on the Hernshead outcropping among fall colors, Central Park, Manhattan.

Hernshead, Autumn. © Copyright 2023 G Dan Mitchell.

A person sits on the Hernshead outcropping among fall colors, Central Park, Manhattan.

We were in New York City for a few days before Thanksgiving. (We left early to avoid the holiday rush.) Our two sons and daughters-in-law live and work there, and they have told us for years to come during spring and autumn instead of our usual winter and summer visits. They are right. — Manhattan was full of lovely fall colors, not just here in the “wilds” of Central Park,” but even along busy streets and avenues. This photograph juxtaposes one of the park’s rocky outcroppings, “The Lake,” autumn trees, and a bit of the Manhattan skyline.

There is always something new to discover or learn about the place. For example, take the name “Hernshead.” Before sharing this photograph I looked at maps to see if the spot has a name, and I discovered that it does. But it is a strange word. If you asked me what “Hernshead” means I might have said, “Don’t know, but maybe someone’s name?” I would have been wrong. According to the Park Conservancy, it was named when the park was created in the 1800s because the outcropping’s shape suggested the form of a heron’s head… and “hern” is apparently an old, alternate spelling of “heron.”

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.

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