Tag Archives: hot

Morning Fog on Hot Creek, Mount Morrison

Morning Fog on Hot Creek, Mount Morrison
Morning Fog on Hot Creek, Mount Morrison

Morning Fog on Hot Creek, Mount Morrison. Owens Valley, California. October 9, 2010. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Morning fog rises above Hot Creek with the Sierra crest and Mount Morrison in the distance.

Finding this shot was just about as random a process as I can imagine. I was in the eastern Sierra to photograph aspens, and staying in Mammoth Lakes. I woke up very early without a really solid idea of where I’d shoot that morning, but started out heading for Rock Creek, where I had seen great aspen color a week earlier. As I left Mammoth and headed south on highway 395 I noticed low fog out in Owens Valley – Crowley Lake was pretty much covered and it appeared that there were bits of fog here and there above creeks and springs in the valley. This started to look more interesting to me than photographing aspens again, so I changed plans and headed out into Owens Valley, not knowing precisely where or what I might find but thinking it would involve fog and mist and early morning light.

I first stopped and photographed near a small pond along side the road. After shooting here a bit – mostly shots pointing back toward the Sierra crest – I recalled that I had been on some gravel roads a bit further north of my position, and I decided to do a bit of exploring. I turned off on the first road going north and followed it until I found another interesting road that dropped down into a small valley and crossed a creek on an old rickety bridge – I later figured out that this was Hot Creek. A cloud of mist and fog was lying above the path of the creek, periodically thickening and thinning, and because it was not deep the morning sun was still somewhat lighting the scene through the fog. At times the peaks of the Sierra crest would gradually resolve through the fog. I set up and waited and made some exposures as the fog rose and fell, increased and decreased.

This photograph is not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

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McGee Mountain and Little Alkali Lake, Dawn

McGee Mountain and Little Alkali Lake, Dawn
McGee Mountain and Little Alkali Lake, Dawn

McGee Mountain and Little Alkali Lake, Dawn. Owens Valley, California. October 10, 2010. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Dawn light in the eastern Sierra on McGee Mountain, reflected in Little Alkali Lake, Owens Valley, California.

There are higher peaks along the eastern escarpment of the Sierra Nevada – much higher! – but I can think of few that catch the dawn light more beautifully than McGee Mountain just north of McGee Creek in the area around Mammoth Lakes and Crowley Lake. The slopes of the mountain are open without obstruction to the dawn light as it works its way down from the peaks, and the light passes across the face and accents the relief of alternating valleys and aretes. On this early October morning an early season storm had left the upper slopes covered with snow, and beyond the slopes of McGee Creek Canyon leading up toward Mount Morgan are still in shade.

I photographed this scene from well out into Owens Valley, where I was almost alone apart from an occasional car passing by on the distant road – and apart from the bellowing beasts in a nearby herd of cattle! Steam rises from some of the many hot springs in this geothermally-active area of the eastern Sierra, and a bit of mist floats above the reflective surface of this alkali lake.

This photograph is not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

G Dan Mitchell Photography | Twitter | Friendfeed | Facebook | Facebook Fan Page | Email

Canon Rebates – What’s Hot?

An interesting and unexpected outcome of posting the list of Canon Spring 2009 Rebates here is that my server log provides a sort of informal poll of what is popular among the items eligible for the rebate. (No, I cannot tell who clicks what – only what gets clicked and how many times…)

So far the EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS seems to be the most popular. I can see why, not only is it a very good and very useful lens, but it seems to be an object of desire for quite a few Canon shooters.

I was surprised to see that the second-most-clicked lens is the EF 200mm f/2 IS L lens. Given the price of this lens a lot of photographers must be doing quite well right now… or else everyone just wants to take a look and gawk at the price! (I know that I sure cannot afford that lens!)