Sur Point Lighthouse, Winter. © Copyright 2013 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.
Winter surf below Sur Point and the Sur Point Lighthouse.
As happens from time to time, I made a series of photographs of this subject on this winter day. One advantage of digital photography is that it is possible — and useful! — to make quite a few exposures of transient subject like water and clouds whose precise appearance is difficult to predict and for which precise timing is almost impossible. While I’ve seen photographers make hundreds of exposures of really active subjects such as moving water, this one wasn’t quite so difficult — just a series of waves moving up onto the beach and the varying qualities of the drifting spray. My first inclination was to share a different photograph from the set, which I did perhaps a few weeks ago. But now, in looking at the files more closely, I’ve changed my mind and I think I prefer this one.
At any time of year the light along this section of the California coast can be quite interesting. Because the coast doesn’t run on a perfect north-south line, instead angling to the east as you head south, for much of the day offshore features are backlit to a greater or lesser extent. (The sun also reflects off the ocean’s surface in wonderful ways, even at midday when the sun is directly south.) This meant that the rocky shape of Sur Point was deeply backlit, and exposing for the shadow details would risk losing details in the rest of the scene — so I decided to treat it as more of a silhouette. (Some details are visible, though hard to see in a web version.) In the end, that nearly black form may help enhance the visibility of the mist and spray being blown from the big winter surf.
G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.
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