Tag Archives: sevilla

Plaza de España Entry

Playa de España Entry
”Plaza de España Entry” — An entry to the Plaza de España, Sevilla.

Sevilla (or “Seville,” in English) is one of the most magical and pleasant cities we visited in Spain during the summer of 2023. We stayed in the old part of the town, not far from the Catedral de Sevilla, and our hotel was on a street barely wide enough for people to pass one another. There was so much to see nearby that we restricted our visit to places to which we could walk. And one of those walks took us to the Maria Luisa Park and the Plaza de España.

The Plaza de España features a large central plaza backed by an impressive curved building that was constructed for an International Exposition a century ago. The photograph is just inside an entrance near the south tower of the structure, and the forms and beautiful light spoke to my fascination with those subjects.

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.

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All media © Copyright G Dan Mitchell and others as indicated. Any use requires advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

La Despensa de Palacio

La Despensa de Palacio
“La Despensa de Palacio” — “La Despensa de Palacio” cafes y chocolates shop, Sevilla.

This subject came from another Sevilla “random walk” that took us out of the historic center near the huge cathedral, through narrow and curving streets, and eventually to areas where the locals seem to hang out and there were far fewer tourists like us. (We ended up in the area with the large installation that I understand some refer to as the mushroom — an immense overhead wooden structure.)

Finishing our walk at this point, it seemed like time to head back towards where we started… and, of course, to look for dinner. As we walked again through these narrow streets, the lower angle of the sun cast the streets and facing businesses into shadow. Many were closed by now, including this shop with its hand painted roll-up door.

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.

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Links: Articles, Sales and Licensing, my Sierra Nevada Fall Color book, Contact Info.

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All media © Copyright G Dan Mitchell and others as indicated. Any use requires advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.