Tag Archives: dusk

Geese, Dusk, Pond, and Tree

Geese, Dusk, Pond, and Tree
Geese take off over pond and tree at dusk, San Joaquin Valley

Geese, Dusk, Pond, and Tree. © Copyright 2018 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Geese take off over pond and tree at dusk

This day in the wetlands was something of a surprise. When I arrived before dawn, the light was dreary, with a shield of clouds from a passing cold front hiding the sky and the sun, with the exception of a very narrow band along part of the eastern horizon. There was little photograph in this light, but before long the sun rose though that gap and provided perhaps ten minutes of beautiful light… and then that show was over and the flat light returned. All morning long it remained cloudy, though that band of open sky in the east gradually expanded and worked its way toward my position.

Just past midday I finally took a break and left to grab a bite to eat. An hour later I was back, and now the clouds above this area were breaking up and the light was starting to be interesting. By evening most of the sky was clear, though the air remained hazy — not unusual for this part of the world in winter. I looked around for the birds that I wanted to photograph, but wasn’t finding any large flocks. Finally I made it back to where I started… just as geese began to fly out from their resting place in nearby ponds. I put a long lens on the camera and continued photographing well past sunset, as the sky darkened and waves of birds continued to fly away. In the end, this day was a reminder that sometimes finding beautiful conditions requires facing some less exciting light… and being persistent and patient.

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books and Amazon.
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All media © Copyright G Dan Mitchell and others as indicated. Any use requires advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

White Pelicans, Evening Sky

White Pelicans, Evening Sky
A flock of white pelicans curves below winter evening clouds

White Pelicans, Evening Sky. San Joaquin Valley, California. January 1, 2017. © Copyright 2017 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

A flock of white pelicans curves below winter evening clouds

When photographing out in the San Joaquin Valley on late-autumn or winter early mornings and evenings, we are usually very attuned to the sky and cloud conditions. It isn’t always obvious. On some evenings the sky can be quite hazy, even dismal. But that thick haze can work like a scrim on a theatrical set, and when the light appears behind and above it, the sky beyond can be magically revealed.

On the spectrum of skies from drab to flamboyant, this one might best be described as subtle. It was not the kind of neon sky that is almost unbelievable in its intensity and brightness, but there were many layers running in various directions, and subtle effects of color did appear. At just this moment when the sun was just below the horizon, too low to cast direct light on us but still lighting the bottoms of the clouds, a curving ling of white pelicans passed overhead.

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books and Amazon.
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All media © Copyright G Dan Mitchell and others as indicated. Any use requires advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

White Pelicans, Winter Sky

White Pelicans, Winter Sky
A flock of white pelicans flies toward post sunset light above the San Joaquin Valley

White Pelicans, Winter Sky. San Joaquin Valley, California. January 1, 2017. © Copyright 2017 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

A flock of white pelicans flies toward post sunset light above the San Joaquin Valley

There are many things about the winter landscape of the Great Central Valley of California that are worth of attention and photography: the agricultural lands, the distant mountains, but especially the vast sky with its cloud landscapes, and the birds. I made this photograph earlier this year — actually on the first day of 2017! I hope to be out photographing this same subject again on the first day of 2018, too.

For many years I’ve known about and been interested in the brown pelicans that are commonly found along the California coast. However, I’m almost embarrassed to admit (as a long time Californian) that I was completely unaware of the beautiful white pelicans that are found in many locations in the state, including these inland wetland areas. This group flew over in the twilight sky and lined up in a form paralleling that of the evening clouds.

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books and Amazon.
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All media © Copyright G Dan Mitchell and others as indicated. Any use requires advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

Tourists, Evening, San Francisco Bay

Tourists, Evening, San Francisco Bay
Tourists pause in the evening at the end of a pier on San Francisco Bay

Tourists, Evening, San Francisco Bay. San Francisco, California. April 30, 2017. © Copyright 2017 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Tourists pause in the evening at the end of a pier on San Francisco Bay

I was in San Francisco to meet up with a group of fellow (mostly) street photographers, first for dinner along the fringe of Chinatown and then out to make photographs afterwards. We finished dinner and headed out before sunset, beginning by photographing in the long shadows cast by early evening light in the downtown canyons. Since many in the group wanted to photograph the waterfront we headed that direction. I was geared up more for night street photography — typically done handheld rather than with the tripod I might choose to use for architectural or urban landscape photography — but I hung in with the group anyway.

At the waterfront, after wandering in and around some buildings, the group was of a collective mind to head out on one of the pedestrian piers that juts out into the Bay. Again, this was a bit different from what I had in mind, but there is no denying the attractions of being out over the surface of the Bay as the evening comes on and things quiet down. I photographed some fishermen, a few passing boats, bridges, and back towards the urban waterfront buildings.Eventually, as it became quite a bit darker, I took a moment to photograph a small group of what I assume must have been friends, sitting out near the end of the pier and conversing in the fading light.

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books and Amazon.
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All media © Copyright G Dan Mitchell and others as indicated. Any use requires advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.