Tag Archives: season

Blue Dicks Flowers

Blue Dicks Flowers

Blue Dicks Flowers. Quicksilver Hills, California. March 28, 2009. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Intertwining stems support two spring Blue Dicks wildflowers along a trail at Almaden Quicksilver Park, California.

The bare stems of these two spring wildflowers intertwine in the trailside sunshine at Almaden Quicksilver Park, California.

This photograph is not in the public domain. It may not be used on websites, blogs, or in any other media without explicit advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

keywords: Dichelostemma capitatum, blue dicks, flowers, stem, blossom, bloom, wild, wildflower, spring, nature, foliage, plant, lily, amaryllis, season, new, quicksilver, county, park, santa clara, san jose, california, usa, stock

Shooting Star Flowers

Shooting Star Flowers

Shooting Star Flowers. Quicksilver Park, California. March 28, 2009. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

A colorful spring wildflower bouquet of shooting star flowers along a trail at Almaden Quicksilver Park, California.

On this weekend’s first hike I found my first shooting star flowers of the season. These were growing alongside my trail on a hillside in partial sun, and were among a small garden of many different types of California spring wildflowers. This particular spot is not too far from where I live, and it is a spot I return to every spring to photograph the flowers.

(Note: I posted this and other spring wildflower photos elsewhere. Twice this one elicited the same comment: “Great DOF.” Hmmm. That could mean several things, I suppose. It could mean that I “controlled DOF well for this subject.” It could mean that “limiting DOF was a good choice in this photograph.” Or, as I suspect, it might mean that some people are using the term “DOF” (or depth of field) when they are commenting on “bokeh,” the latter being the blurring of background subjects that are not in the DOF range. Just wondering…)

This photograph is not in the public domain. It may not be used on websites, blogs, or in any other media without explicit advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

keywords: colorful, spring, season, wildflower, flower, blossom, bloom, bud, shooting star, trail, hike, walk, almaden, quicksilver, county, park, san jose, santa clara, california, usa, central, foliage, nature, stem, bokeh, green, yellow, purple, pink, stock

Near Leidig Meadow, Lower Three Brothers – Yosemite Valley

Near Leidig Meadow, Lower Three Brothers - Yosemite Valley

Near Leidig Meadow, Lower Three Brothers – Yosemite Valley. Yosemite National Park, California. November 2, 2008. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Forest-rimmed near Liedig Meadow and the lower face of the Three Brothers, Yosemite Valley, California.

Actually, I’m not certain I have the name of this meadow quite right*, but the closest named area I can find on my maps of the Valley is listed as Leidig Meadow – so I’m sticking with this until I get a better answer. This is one more photograph from my November 2008 rainy weekend in The Valley – and like many of the others from this shoot it features diffused overcast light and colors altered by two days of steady rain.

Update: Several people have confirmed that this area is known as Leidig Meadow. Now I just need to determine the origin of that name.

This photograph is not in the public domain. It may not be used on websites, blogs, or in any other media without explicit advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

keywords: yosemite, valley, national park, leidig, meadow, three brothers, face, lower, forest, trees, autumn, fall, season, plant, grass, green, brown, golden, southside, drive, rocky point, sentinel beach, trunk, leaves, rock, cliff, arch, scenic, travel, landscape, nature, california, usa

Autumn Oak Tree, Upper Yosemite Fall, Rain

Autumn Oak Tree, Upper Yosemite Fall, Rain

Autumn Oak Tree, Upper Yosemite Fall, Rain. Yosemite Valley, California. November 1, 2008. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

A colorful autumn oak tree stands in a meadow on a rainy day with Upper Yosemite Fall beyond – Yosemite Valley, California.

A photograph from my rainy weekend in Yosemite Valley back on November 1-2, 2008. It rained the entire time I was there, but this was wonderful because these conditions intensified the fall colors and created wonderful atmosphere and effects of mist, fog, and clouds. Here a nearby oak tree with autumn colors is seen with Upper Yosemite Fall faintly visible through the mist, and flowing strongly after coming back to life from the rain.

This photograph is not in the public domain. It may not be used on websites, blogs, or in any other media without explicit advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

keywords: yosemite, valley, national park, fall, upper, cliff, wall, oak, tree, autumn, fall, season, color, gold, brown, yellow, green, forest, meadow, waterfall, grass, rain, cloud, mist, leaf, leaves, trunk, branch, nature, scenic, travel, landscape, weather, stock, california, usa