Incoming Winter Storm, Point Lobos

Incoming Winter Storm, Point Lobos
Incoming Winter Storm, Point Lobos

Incoming Winter Storm, Point Lobos. Point Lobos State Reserve, California. January 10, 2010. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Black and white photograph of the leading edge of a winter storm passing over the Pacific coastline at Point Lobos State Reserve, California.

On this morning I thought the weather was going to be too rainy and cloudy to shoot – and I slept it. When I got up and saw that maybe it wasn’t going to be quite that bad I made a quick decision to head south and out toward the coast, and ended up at Point Lobos. The huge storm surf was beating against the coast and the leading edge of the incoming cold front was just passing over the coastline, putting some impressive clouds about the coast and the spray/mist from the big waves, and letting me shoot almost straight toward the sun.

Not all of my black and white photographs start out that way. In truth, while I sometimes have a pretty good idea that a particular shot is heading in the monochrome direction when I make the exposure, with other images I don’t “discover” this until I begin my work in post. With this one I had a pretty clear idea that the clouds and that receding layers for rock and bluff would work in black and white.

This photograph is not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

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keywords: point, lobos, state, reserve, park, california, usa, pacific, ocean, sea, coast, shore, carmel, highlands, big, sur, rocks, islands, sea stacks, surf, wave, rough, reflection, sun, light, winter, season, storm, front, edge, leading, cloud, sky, seascape, landscape, nature, scenic, travel, hills, cliff, bluff, bird, gull, cypress, trees, forest, weather, stock

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