Two Pelicans, Sunset Glow. South of San Francisco, California. September 2, 2008. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.
Two pelicans fly over the golden sunset light of the California Pacifica ocean coastline south of San Francisco.
On September 3, 2008 my son and I drove over the hill to Santa Cruz late in the day and headed north along the Pacific Coast on Highway 1. I had several possible subjects in mind, but when they didn’t quite pan out I decided to go for an old standby – park along the top of the bluffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean and wait for seabirds to fly past on the updraft from the ocean wind. We weren’t disappointed! Many birds were doing their commute up and down the coast, including lots of gulls and several impressive flocks of pelicans.
As the birds come by I begin by trying to get focus on one or more of them, and then I (attempt to) pan smoothly as they pass by. Because it was just before sunset on this evening the light varied tremendously as the birds came past, ranging from fairly flat blue light when shooting to the south to this amazingly saturated gold (or orange?) light when the sun and ocean and distant fog bank were right behind the birds. The color of this light is real – I shot in RAW mode and use the “as shot” setting during the conversion. Hard to believe, I know…
keywords: two, pelicans, sea, bird, ocean, coast, shore, pelagic, pacific, california, usa, wildlife, nature, landscape, orange, yellow, gold, sunset, evening, central, san francisco, santa cruz, stock
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