Tag Archives: jacket

Backpackers Near Milestone Basin

Backpackers, Near MIlestone Basin
Backpackers, Near MIlestone Basin

Backpackers, Near Milestone Basin. Sierra Nevada, California. August, 2010. © Copyright 2010 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved

Two backpackers descend through sub-alpine meadows toward the peaks of the Great Western Divide near Milestsone Basin, Sequoia National Park.

My two friends, Caroline and Owen, head through a lovely sub-alpine meadow toward the peaks of the Great Western Divide and the upper Kern River drainage of the Sierra Nevada in early August. (When doing backpacking photography it is always good to be accompanied by friends with colorful gear! My clothing color scheme is not conducive to photography, consisting mostly of colors that match the rocks, grasses, and dirt…)

This is a spectacular and less-visited area of the Sierra, being very high and at least two days from any trailhead – and those trailheads lead over very high Sierra crest passes. We hit it at perhaps the peak of its seasonal beauty – despite the clouds of mosquitoes, everything was tremendously green. Even in the late morning hour – not typically the time for photography – the scene was quite something. Our trail here passed through a succession of small, intimate meadows surrounded by rolling hills and filled with scattered glacial rocks, occasionally passing by small lakes and tarns — perhaps my favorite kind of Sierra terrain!

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist whose subjects include the Pacific coast, redwood forests, central California oak/grasslands, the Sierra Nevada, California deserts, urban landscapes, night photography, and more.
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Text, photographs, and other media are © Copyright G Dan Mitchell (or others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

Man Descending Sidewalk Steps

Man Descending Sidewalk Steps
Man Descending Sidewalk Steps

Man Descending Sidewalk Steps. San Francisco, California. July 12, 2010. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

A man descends sidewalk steps past dilapidated buildings with exterior duct work in San Francisco, California.

On a day when my wife was rehearsing in SF and my son needed to do some packing in his apartment… I took this as an excuse to take the (very) early train to the City and wander around shooting on the street until mid-afternoon. A started shooting near the Caltrain depot at about7:00 a.m., wandered up the Embarcadero, heading into the North Beach area, backtracking though the less-touristy part of Chinatown, and finally descending (in more ways than one) to the shoreline at Fishermans Wharf and Pier 39 (ugh) before wandering back up near the ferry building to catch BART to meet up with them.

I made this photograph in an area that seems to me to be sort of on the fringes of Chinatown. The first thing that caught my attention as I passed by on a cross street was the crazy bunch of ducts and other stuff attached to the outside of this building. I wandered up the other side of the street to shoot this straight on, and was doing so when this man helpfully wandered through the frame – which was just what I was hoping for.

On another note, last week I saw some impressive photographs by a person who will remain nameless. The images were largely urban/street work, and included some really interesting photographs of people. But as I looked at the work it occurred to me that part of what was catching my attention was that everyone had seemingly been given the same formulaic treatment in post, likely consisting mostly of a Gaussian blur overlay and some strong vignetting. As an experiment – and partly to confirm my suspicions – I took this image through the same process and with about 10 minutes of work had achieve “the look” of and edgy, saturated, and dark-looking image. But I was left in a bit of a bind. On one hand, it seems cheap to apply a formula in this way, especially when it is so straightforward. On the other hand, it does have a certain appeal…

The version I settled on here eschews that bit of work in post and is more of a “straight” photograph of the scene.

This photograph is not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

G Dan Mitchell Photography | Twitter | Friendfeed | Facebook | Facebook Fan Page | Email

Technical Data:
Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
ISO 200, f/8, 1/500 second

keywords: san, francisco, california, usa, peter, macchiarini, steps, kearny, broadway, street, steep, stairs, railing, pipe, siding, duct, exterior, cement, brick, window, door, urban, street, brown, jacket, black, pants, dilapidated, weathered, worn, curb, sidewalk, north america, stock, downtown

Man Walking Past Painted Brick Wall

Man Walking Past Painted Brick Wall

Man Walking Past Painted Brick Wall. San Francisco, California. August 18, 2009. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

A man walking on the sidewalk past a painted brick wall in Chinatown, San Francisco, California.

I was part way through my long San Francisco photography walk when I noticed this interesting painted wall on a side-street in Chinatown. (For those who wonder how the heck I made a photograph in Chinatown that only included one figure – who is not a tourist! – I was there very early.) The pattern of rectangles and lines made me think of some sort of “pastel Mondrian,” if that makes any sense.

As I was shooting the wall, this man politely wandered through the scene – and he was even wearing the right color hat for the shot!

This photograph is not in the public domain. It may not be used on websites, blogs, or in any other media without explicit advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

Web: G Dan Mitchell Photography
Twitter: http://twitter.com/gdanmitchell
Friendfeed: http://friendfeed.com/gdanmitchell
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gdanmitchell

keywords: san francisco, california, usa, travel, scenic, urban, city, brick, wall, painted, orange, green, beige, red, white, vent, screen, window, metal, grate, cover, pattern, sidewalk, hill, parking, meter, man, walking, hat, keys, jacket, glasses, old, slacks, chinatown, urban, street, stock, worn, dilapidated, run down