Tag Archives: light

Yellow Poles

Yellow Poles
Yellow Poles. Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, California. March 22, 2008. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

A barrier of yellow metal poles around transformer boxes under garish artificial light at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, California.

I thought I had finished photographing on the night of this shoot with a group of photographers from The Nocturnes. As I was about to pack up, on a whim I decided to wander around the other side of the Quonset building seen in the photograph, and I found this interesting arrangement of transformer boxes and poles illuminated by some of the most stark and garish light I had seen that night.

keywords: night, photography, nocturnal, yellow, poles, transformers, concrete, slab, block, building, structure, quonset, hut, shadows, blue, light, dark, mare island, naval shipyard, historic, vallejo, california, usa, industrial, urban, equipment, electrical

Mare Island Street, Dusk

Mare Island Street, Dusk
Mare Island Street, Dusk. Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, California. March 22, 2008. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

A street and railroad tracks pass beneath shipyard structures and past old brick shop buildings at Mare Island Naval Shipyard in dusk light. The museum for this shipyard is housed in the brick building on the left side of the photograph – one of many interesting and historic structures still found at this location.

keywords: mare island, naval, shipyard, historic, road, street, railroad, tracks, brick, wooden, scaffold, equipment, industrial, shops, windows, dusk, evening, sunset, artificial, light, towers, cranes, smokestack, vallejo, california, usa, travel, urban, landscape, stock

Two Oak Trees, Morning

Two Oak Trees, Morning

Two Oak Trees, Morning. Pacheco State Park, California. March 16, 2008. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Two oak trees and grassland in morning light. This scene was photographed at Pacheco State Park on the top of the mountain range between Santa Clara Valley and California’s Great Central Valley. This park is a great place to see spring wildflowers, though the persistent winds can make photography challenging.

I always think of one other connection when I pass by this area or, better yet, stop and visit. When John Muir first travelled to the Sierra he came through this pass, and he marveled (as Muir frequently did) at the carpet of wildflowers extending into and across the valley in front of him. While we no longer see the sight the he described, during a few weeks each spring the wildflowers are thick enough that you can almost imagine it.

keywords: oaks, trees, grass, hills, sun, light, morning, early, fence, ridge, sky, silhouette, pacheco, state park, california, pass, usa, travel, scenic, nature, plants, spring, landscape, stock

Stovepipe Dunes, Evening

Stovepipe Dunes, Evening

Stovepipe Dunes, Evening. Death Valley National Park, California. April 1, 2008. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Early evening light softly illuminates folded terrain of the Stovepipe Dunes, Death Valley National Park, California.

I’m just back from a four-day trip to Death Valley and this first photo I’ve posted is also one of the first I took – on the first evening after I arrived in the park.

keywords: death valley, national park, stovepipe, wells, sand, dunes, evening, twilight, plants, folds, mountains, waves, ripples, soft, light, desert, grapevine, california, usa, travel, scenic, landscape, stock