You probably know the feeling. You are in an unfamiliar town. You want breakfast. You head out looking for just the right place, like we did on this morning in York. You think of a particular area where you want to look, but when you arrive you discover that not much is open yet — it is a cloudy morning and still too early for the tourist onslaught. You look at one place but think you’ll look around a bit more. You wander past the little coffee shop, but it looks funky. There are some food trucks, but they don’t have whatever it is you want. So you wander back where you started and enter a little place like this one.
The possibly-contrived cuteness of the place might have initially put me off, but once inside the scones looked good, the bakery smells were anttractive, and they seemed to have the right kinds of coffee. We ordered and went upstairs to wait. When you see this photo of the storefront imagine that it is wider than what you see only by the width of the entrance doorway out of sight to the left. It was a tiny place — barely enough room on the ground floor for two of us to stand at the counter and order. But in had many floors, each equally compact.
G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.
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