Tag Archives: early

Sierra Wave Clouds Above Owens Valley, Dawn

Sierra Wave Clouds Above Owens Valley, Dawn
Sierra Wave Clouds Above Owens Valley, Dawn

Sierra Wave Clouds Above Owens Valley, Dawn. Owens Valley, California. October 16, 2011. © Copyright 2011 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Sierra wave clouds building at dawn are reflected in the waters of an Owens Valley lake.

On this morning I was up well before dawn – I checked out of my motel in Bishop, California and was on the road while it was still dark, with a semi-plan of photographing aspen trees around dawn up in the northern portion of the June Lakes Loop. As I headed north out of Bishop and through Round Valley, the very first light arrived and I saw the dim outlines of Sierra wave clouds forming over and just east of the crest. Now, this was an interesting development!

As I continued north and the light increased, the clouds began to interest me more than the possibility of photographing more aspens – I could do that later, but such clouds are unpredictable and transitory. I could see that subtle color was beginning to appear along the edges of the clouds even though it was not yet sunrise, and I decided that I needed to find some landscape feature – almost any would do! – that could serve as a foil to these clouds so that I could photograph them as they began to pick up sunrise color.

A week earlier I had photographed at some small lakes out in Owens Valley, and it occurred to me that if I could get there in time that they might reflect the clouds nicely, though I was a bit concerned about how the lake and the mountains and the clouds would actually align. But not having any better ideas and having very little time, I decided to make the lake my goal and without much further thought took the turnoff, parked my car near the largest lake, grabbed my gear, and headed across the sage brush landscape to the shore of the lake. My initial thought that I might be able to include the Sierra range in the image with the clouds clearly wasn’t going to work due to their relative positions, so I circled a bit further around the shore of the lake and instead composed a scene that excluded all but the tiniest bit of the peaks of the Sierra.

G Dan Mitchell Photography
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Text, photographs, and other media are © Copyright G Dan Mitchell (or others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

(Basic EXIF data may be available by “mousing over” large images in posts when this page is viewed on the web. Leave a comment if you want to know more.)

Alcatraz and Yerba Buena Islands, San Francisco Bay, Foggy Morning Light

Alcatraz and Yerba Buena Islands, San Francisco Bay, Foggy Morning Light
Alcatraz and Yerba Buena Islands, San Francisco Bay, Foggy Morning Light

Alcatraz and Yerba Buena Islands, San Francisco Bay, Foggy Morning Light. San Francisco, California. March 21, 2009 © Copyright 2009 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

San Francisco Bay morning fog over begins to break up over Alcatraz and Yerba Buena Islands and the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge.

I made this photograph back around the start of spring in 2009. I recall shooting from the Marin Headlands back toward the Bay as the fog began to break up, still obscuring the view but allowing beams of light to begin to come through the gloom and light up portions of the Bay. Alcatraz Island is at upper left and beyond that is the Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island complex.

Many things intrigued me about this scene. Although it is in shadow still, Alcatraz stands out as the clearest object in the scene. The patterns on the water were amazing, created by a combination of the normal surface waves, the wakes of ships that had passed, and the mottled and mixed lighting of areas of fog and sun. Beyond the main subjects and over the East Bay shoreline around Oakland, light beams come down from the clearing fog.

This photograph is also an example of why I save and later review all of my raw files. Either because I don’t understand the image when I first make it or perhaps I move on to the next project too quickly sometimes it is not unusual when a photograph “slips through the cracks” and I end up overlooking it. This was one of those photographs… which I now find hard to understand.

G Dan Mitchell Photography
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Text, photographs, and other media are © Copyright G Dan Mitchell (or others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

(Basic EXIF data may be available by “mousing over” large images in posts when this page is viewed on the web. Leave a comment if you want to know more.)

Morning Light on Shoreline Trees

Morning Light on Shoreline Trees
Morning Light on Shoreline Trees

Morning Light on Shoreline Trees. Yosemite National Park, California. September 19, 2011. © Copyright 2011 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Early morning light illuminates shoreline trees, meadows and rocks at McCabe lake, with talus and forest-covered slopes beyond, Yosemite National Park.

We were camped at this lake for several days, and by this morning I had developed a pretty clear idea of what I wanted to photograph at different times of the day. My main interest in the early morning was in shooting almost straight back into the sun as it rose above the ridges to the east and began to backlight the lodgepole pines around the lake, especially those along the rocky and meadowy shoreline on the west and south sides. So on this morning, my second-to-last at this lake, I was up reasonably early and off to the other side of the lake before sunrise.

Once I reached the other side of the lake I had two tasks in mind. One was to make a few photographs in the very soft light before the sun reached this area. The other was to find and remember several compositions that might well work when the sun actually arrived. Around the west end of the lake I found several that lined up some of the small shoreline peninsulas and the rocks along the shoreline. After photographing those low light subjects for a while, I noticed that the light was beginning to strike a few trees along the west end of the lake, so I quickly got back in position to start doing the photographs as the sun began to arrive.

This morning presented one slightly unusual shooting challenge. For so late in the season there were a lot of bugs flying around the edges of the lake, including a surprising number of mosquitos. Unfortunately, the same light that so nicely picks up the edges of the backlit trees… also nicely highlighted all of the flying insects along the shoreline! These insects can show up in photographs as hundreds of small to larger blurring streaks – which must be laboriously and individually cloned out in post. Fortunately, I have a way to deal with this and make the process a little easier. I made two exposures of each composition, separated by a second or two. Since it was windless, the trees barely moved at all – but the bugs did move. Since their traces appear at different places in the two images, I can superimpose them in Photoshop and then mask out each bug in the upper image, substituting the corresponding bug free portion of the image from the layer below. It is still a bit of work, but not nearly as bad as trying to clone all of these problems out.

G Dan Mitchell Photography
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Text, photographs, and other media are © Copyright G Dan Mitchell (or others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

(Basic EXIF data may be available by “mousing over” large images in posts when this page is viewed on the web. Leave a comment if you want to know more.)

Morning Reflections, Unnamed Lake

Morning Reflections, Unnamed Lake
Morning Reflections, Unnamed Lake

Morning Reflections, Unnamed Lake. Yosemite National Park, California. July 29, 2011. © Copyright 2011 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

The still early morning surface of an unnamed subalpine lake reflects the boulders and trees along its rocky shoreline, Yosemite National Park.

This is yet another of those little places in Yosemite that is both surprisingly accessible and surprisingly neglected. Since keeping it that way may be a good thing, I’ll refrain from locating it more specifically than to say that it is along the Tioga Pass Road through the park.

I have photographed here before, and I am intrigued by the good-sized granite boulders along the shoreline and out into the water of this shallow lake surrounded by forest. Because of the surrounding terrain, morning light does not reach down to th lake right away, so I was able to shoot in this soft and indirect light and include both some details in the shadows of the forest and their beautifully blurred reflections in the still surface of the water.

The photograph includes one indication of what an unusual year this has been in the high country. The horizontal white area beyond the shoreline trees at the left side of the frame is a melting snow bank. Normally that might not be a big deal, but this photograph was made near the very end of July. It is a very unusual year when we can still find snow at this elevation near the beginning of August!

G Dan Mitchell Photography
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Text, photographs, and other media are © Copyright G Dan Mitchell (or others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

(Basic EXIF data may be available by “mousing over” large images in posts. Leave a comment if you want to know more.)