Tag Archives: fan

Amargosa Range and Transverse Dunes, Sunset

Amargosa Range and Transverse Dunes, Sunset
Amargosa Range and Transverse Dunes, Sunset

Amargosa Range and Transverse Dunes, Sunset. Death Valley National Park, California. March 26, 2010. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Sunset light on lower reaches of the Amargosa Range and the Kit Fox Hills above the Transverse Dunes, Death Valley National Park, California.

The Amargosa Range lies east of Death Valley and the Death Valley Dunes, and its foothills (called the “Kit Fox Hills,” if I’m not mistaken) here from a backdrop for the “transverse dunes,” the lower eastern portion of the Death Valley Dunes near Stovepipe Wells. The dunes turn all sorts of interesting colors at and just after sunset on evenings when the light is just right, and the evening light brings out colors in the further hills and gullies that are generally washed out in the harsh midday light.

To get an idea of the scale of the scene consider that the photograph was made with a rather long focal length of nearly 400mm and that the very subtle line along the base of the hills is the roadway running north towards Scotty’s Castle. Walking out to the dunes along the lower edge of the photograph might take a half hour or so.

This photograph is not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

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Technical Data:
Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 L IS USM at 370mm
ISO 200, f/8, 1/50 second

keywords: kit fox, hills, mountains, amargosa, range, alluvial, fan, desert, transverse, dunes, mesquite, gully, geology, grapevine, foothills, shadow, sunset, dusk, wash, evening, death valley, national, park, california, usa, north america, travel, scenic, wilderness, landscape, nature, barren, light, stock

Painted Brick Wall

Painted Brick Wall

Painted Brick Wall. San Francisco, California. August 18, 2009. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

A painted brick wall with a grated alcove near Chinatown, San Francisco, California.

This is the person-less version of this scene that I was shooting when the man walked into it and I created the photo I posted earlier. I suspect that this interesting pattern is the result of someone painting out the rampant graffiti found all over Chinatown, but the color choice seems a bit odd for something so prosaic. The wall is just a few yards down a side street off of Grant.

This photograph is not in the public domain. It may not be used on websites, blogs, or in any other media without explicit advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

Web: G Dan Mitchell Photography
Twitter: http://twitter.com/gdanmitchell
Friendfeed: http://friendfeed.com/gdanmitchell
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gdanmitchell

keywords: san francisco, california, usa, travel, scenic, urban, city, sidewalk, wall, brick, painted, orange, beige, green, olive, red, white, window, arch, alcove, grate, metal, fan, texture, structure, urban, city, street, chinatown, downtown, travel, landscape, detail, stock, building

Detail, Base of Tucki Mountain in Morning Light

Detail, Base of Tucki Mountain in Morning Light

Detail, Base of Tucki Mountain in Morning Light. Death Valley National Park, California. April 4, 2008. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Detail view of a section of the base of Tucki Mountain in early morning light – near Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley National Park, California.

I had started this early April morning by hiking around to the back side of Mesquite Dunes near Stovepipe Wells before sunrise. After shooting sunrise in and around the dunes I decided to make some photographs of Tucki Mountain, a massive peak that towers above the Dunes and Stovepipe Wells and dominates the view of this part of the Valley. Here the very early sunlight is slanting across the lower slopes of the mountain from the left with the light catching the folded textures of this rugged peak. This photograph is a stitch of three 12MP photographs.

This photograph is not in the public domain. It may not be used on websites, blogs, or in any other media without explicit advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

keywords: detail, view, tucky, mountain, base, wash, rugged, valley, ridge, peak, barren, rock, early, morning, light, death valley, national park, stovepipe wells, mesquite dunes, scenic, travel, landscape, california, usa, nature, shadow, texture, fan, geology, stock