Tag Archives: bluff

Big Sur Coastline at Bixby Creek, Winter

Big Sur Coastline at Bixby Creek, Winter
Big Sur Coastline at Bixby Creek, Winter

Big Sur Coastline at Bixby Creek, Winter. Central California Coast. January 1, 2010. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

A winter storm approaches the bluffs of the Big Sur coastline at Bixby Creek.

This is, as you may have noticed, the same scene as that in yesterday’s photograph – but this time in portrait mode and composed to focus on the receding edge of the land as it meets the winter sea off of the Big Sur coast. To recap, it was raining lightly and blowing hard enough to almost knock me over when I made this photograph. The wind was coming straight at my camera position out of the south. Since I figured my tripod would probably blow right over in one of the gusts, I decided to use a “natural tripod” and instead drape myself over a conveniently placed boulder and brace the camera on the top of the rock.

This is a wild section of the coastline that forces the coast highway to ascend well above the steep shoreline bluffs and cliffs. I am intrigued by the rock pile that has slid off the face of the tall cliff at the left and collected along the beach in front of and beyond the cave at the waterline. I was surprised to see a small number of footprints in the sand on this little beach!

G Dan Mitchell Photography
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Text, photographs, and other media are © Copyright G Dan Mitchell (or others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

(Basic EXIF data may be available by “mousing over” large images in posts. Leave a comment if you want to know more.)

Winter Evening, Big Sur Coastline

Winter Evening, Big Sur Coastline
Winter Evening, Big Sur Coastline

Winter Evening, Big Sur Coastline. Soberanes, Big Sur, California. January 2. 2010. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Last light of a winter evening shines on a shoreline bluff along the Big Sur coastline.

As the very end of 2010 approaches, here is a photograph from the very beginning of 2010, made back on January 2. It very similar to a photograph of this scene I posted back then, but it is not the same photograph, and I know like this one at least as much as the earlier selection. (And I feel justified in using two photos from the shoot after the case of poison oak rash I picked up making them!)

As I recall, this was another of those evenings that first looked very promising, then turned gray as the sun dropped behind clouds over the ocean, but held out hope for a last moment of color as the setting sun dropped to the horizon and beneath the clouds. And, as sometimes happens, it actually worked! I had seen this spot before but not stopped to photograph it quite this way. As I passed by while heading south earlier in the afternoon I had made a mental note about the possibilities for the scene, and when I turned back to the north to start my drive home I had decided to stop here. The scene is impressive, with the coast curving inward and then back out the left where a creek comes down to the sea, and with bluffs, sea stacks, and higher hills beyond. And on this evening the sky was full of pastel colors. So I stopped, unloaded the camera gear, and headed out (through the poison oak!) onto the bluff above the cove where I waited for light. And just at sunset a band of beautiful, warm, diffused light touched the bluff across the cove.

This photograph is not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

G Dan Mitchell Photography
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Cove and Beach Near Davenport, Evening

Cove and Beach Near Davenport, Evening
Cove and Beach Near Davenport, Evening

Cove and Beach Near Davenport, Evening. Davenport, California. December 12, 2010. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Black and white photograph of two people standing on a bluff above the Pacific Ocean and overlooking a cove and beach near Davenport California.

Although I have continued posting photographs at a rate of one per day, I have only managed to get into the field to shoot a few times since early November. Yesterday I found time to make it over to the Pacific coast late in the day. I was looking for the foggy, misty, and somewhat gray conditions that are common this time of year, at least when the air has not been cleared by a passing storm. I wasn’t disappointed. While the sky was clear overhead, the air was very moist – my equipment became damp from condensation as I worked.

Since my time was a bit limited – the sun was going down! – I went more or less straight to this spot where I have photographed in the past. (At first I considered going a bit further north to shoot from high bluffs, but I realized that the shot I had in mind from that location would be better earlier in the day.) When I arrived the sun was just dropping below the horizon, but that is what I wanted – I wasn’t looking for one of those brilliant “sun dead ahead” shots. I wanted the post-sunset soft light and enough darkness that I could work with longer exposures.

I parked and walked the short distance to this spot at the head of this cove. The composition is sort of tricky. The “right” (in my view) arrangement of the offshore rock and the surrounding bluffs can only be seen from a very small area – too far right or left and elements start to collide. In addition I wanted that little bit of more distant shoal along the right side of the frame to suggest that the coast continues, and I wanted that flat bit of bluff with a bit of post sunset light at the left. It was a bonus when the two people – probably photographers! – showed up on the top of the left bluff and thoughtfully posed for me as I made long exposures!

This photograph is not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

G Dan Mitchell Photography
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Summer Evening, Scott Creek Beach

Summer Evening, Scott Creek Beach
Summer Evening, Scott Creek Beach

Summer Evening, Scott Creek Beach. Near Davenport, California. June 23, 2010© Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Fog rolls in on a summer evening at Scott Creek Beach, on the Pacific Ocean coastline near Davenport, California.

I’m fortunate to live close enough to the California coastline that I can occasionally just decide on the spur of the moment to “drive over the hill” and step out of the world of work to watch the sunset over the Pacific. This is what I decided to do yesterday. I drove over that hill with only a vague plan to see what conditions looked like and then most likely head north from Santa Cruz toward and perhaps beyond Davenport.

I almost never know exactly what I’ll find on the coast until I get there. Yesterday I had suspicions about the possibility of fog, but I also thought that clear sky might linger a while before the fog rolled in. For the most part it turned out that there was fog but that in most places it was a good distance offshore though starting to form in closer. However, it also turned out that there was a good amount of high cloudiness blocking the sunlight. In other words, the prospects were mixed – might be interesting light at the last minute, fog might roll in and cover everything, the clouds might thicken instead of thin. So I continued with no specific images in mind, driving past various familiar locations. As I descended toward Scott Creek Beach I caught a quick glimpse of a panorama across the beach that seemed like it might work as a wide angle shot, so I quickly turned around and returned to the spot. Once I got set up I realized that while it was a beautiful scene it wasn’t going to work as a photograph. But this scene, which required a longer focal length, caught my attention instead.

G Dan Mitchell Photography
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Text, photographs, and other media are © Copyright G Dan Mitchell (or others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

(Basic EXIF data may be available by “mousing over” large images in posts. Leave a comment if you want to know more.)