Tag Archives: pink

Before the Dawn, Twenty Mule Team Canyon, Death Valley

Dawn, Twenty Mule Team Canyon, Death Valley

Before the Dawn, Twenty Mule Team Canyon, Death Valley. Death Valley National Park, California. April 2, 2009. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Before dawn in Twenty Mule Team Canyon with Death Valley and high peaks beyond.

Twenty Mule Team Canyon is traversed by a good but not very busy gravel road. I was in the canyon well before dawn on this morning and torn between shooting detail photographs of the interesting eroded forms nearby and shooting the longer view down the canyon, over low peaks, and into Death Valley beyond. (In the end I worked quickly and did both!) At the time I made this photograph the very first sunlight was barely striking the highest peaks far to the north across The Valley, but the light on the nearby hills was the diffused light that comes from the sky before dawn.

This photograph is not in the public domain. It may not be used on websites, blogs, or in any other media without explicit advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

keywords: death valley, national park, panamints, amargosa, range, mountain, salt, flat, twenty mule, team, canyon, dawn, sunrise, earth, forms, fold, geology, light, hills, peaks, badlands, ridge, pink, sky, cloud, scenic, travel, landscape, stock, early, morning

Sunrise – Telescope Peak, Amargosa Range, Bank Ruins of Rhyolite

Sunrise - Telescope Peak, Amargosa Range, Bank Ruins of Rhyolite

Sunrise – Telescope Peak, Amargosa Range, Bank Ruins of Rhyolite. Rhyolite, Nevada. April 1, 2009. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Sunrise on Telescope Peak and the Amargosa Range of Death Valley with the ruins of the Rhyollite Nevada bank building in the foreground.

This photograph attempts to pull together three iconic elements of the Rhyolite ghost town experience: the ruins of the old bank building, the view across the Amargosa Valley to the Amargosa Range (just inside Death Valley National Park), and the snow-capped summit of Death Valley’s Telescope Peak in the first light of dawn. This photograph was made just a moment before one that I earlier posted that showed the first direct light hitting the front of the bank, and in this one I was trying to nestle the distant mountains in the curve created by the top of the old wall of the weathered bank building.

This photograph is not in the public domain. It may not be used on websites, blogs, or in any other media without explicit advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

keywords: rhyollite, ghost, town, mining, abandoned, ruins, nevada, california, usa, death valley, national park, telescope, peak, amargosa, range, mountains, valley, desert, wall, brick, sage, sky, pink, firsts light, sunrise, dawn, stock, landscape, scenic, travel

Fairy Lantern (Calochortus albus) Flower and Buds

Fairy Lantern (Calochortus albus) Flower and Buds

Fairy Lantern (Calochortus albus) Flower and Buds. Almaden Quicksilver Park, California. April 18, 2009. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

A fairy lantern flower in bloom with several buds on the plant yet to bloom.

I photographed this flower over the weekend along a trail at Almaden Quicksilver Park that I visit about this time every year… to photograph this flower. While I occasionally see the Fairy Lantern flower in other locations – if I look carefully – a small valley along the New Almaden Trail near the Mockingbird Hill entrance to the park often contains hundreds of these flowers. I thought that this weekend (April 18 and 19) would mark the peak of the bloom, but my hike their yesterday left me thinking that it may be another week – while some of the flowers had bloomed, many more were still only buds, as are the majority of this specimen.

This photograph is not in the public domain. It may not be used on websites, blogs, or in any other media without explicit advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

keywords: fairy, lantern, chinese, flower, bud, bloom, wildflower, pale, pink, round, green, leaf, pointed, stem, plant, bokeh, nature, foliage, forest, floor, almaden, quicksilver, mines, county, park, santa clara, san jose, nature, stock, Calochortus albus

Shooting Star Flowers

Shooting Star Flowers

Shooting Star Flowers. Quicksilver Park, California. March 28, 2009. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

A colorful spring wildflower bouquet of shooting star flowers along a trail at Almaden Quicksilver Park, California.

On this weekend’s first hike I found my first shooting star flowers of the season. These were growing alongside my trail on a hillside in partial sun, and were among a small garden of many different types of California spring wildflowers. This particular spot is not too far from where I live, and it is a spot I return to every spring to photograph the flowers.

(Note: I posted this and other spring wildflower photos elsewhere. Twice this one elicited the same comment: “Great DOF.” Hmmm. That could mean several things, I suppose. It could mean that I “controlled DOF well for this subject.” It could mean that “limiting DOF was a good choice in this photograph.” Or, as I suspect, it might mean that some people are using the term “DOF” (or depth of field) when they are commenting on “bokeh,” the latter being the blurring of background subjects that are not in the DOF range. Just wondering…)

This photograph is not in the public domain. It may not be used on websites, blogs, or in any other media without explicit advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

keywords: colorful, spring, season, wildflower, flower, blossom, bloom, bud, shooting star, trail, hike, walk, almaden, quicksilver, county, park, san jose, santa clara, california, usa, central, foliage, nature, stem, bokeh, green, yellow, purple, pink, stock